From Failures to Phenomenons: Pokemon With Guns

Palworld Presskit

Once upon a time, in a land not so far away, a group of amateurs embarked on a quest to create something the gaming world had never seen before. This merry band, known as Pocket Pair, faced trials and tribulations you wouldn't believe. Imagine a bunch of friends, who knew as much about professional game development as I do about quantum physics, deciding to build a game. Spoiler alert: chaos ensued.

They began with dreams bigger than their budgets, crafting a game that, well, never saw the light of day. But did they give up? No! They rolled up their sleeves (or at least tried to find them under all the pizza boxes) and dived headfirst into the abyss of game development, armed with nothing but their wits and a questionable understanding of Unity.

After battling the dragons of rejection and the ogres of development hell, they stumbled upon Steam, a land of opportunity. Here, they unleashed Overdungeon, followed by Craftopia and AI Art Imposter, each game a stepping stone paved with bugs, feedback, and the kind of learning curve that makes calculus look like preschool math.

But wait, the plot thickens! Enter PalWorld, the pièce de résistance, born from a cocktail of ambition, desperation, and a dash of madness. This game had it all: guns (because why not?), monsters (over a hundred, because clearly, they were allergic to simplicity), and miracles. Yes, miracles! Like the convenience store worker turned animation ace, or the complete engine overhaul from Unity to Unreal Engine without a clue in the world.

Let's not forget the budget that was managed about as well as a cat herding competition. They flirted with bankruptcy, danced with disaster, and somehow, against all odds, launched PalWorld to the acclaim of gamers worldwide.

And just like that PalWorld exploded onto the scene with the force of a thousand suns. It's official: PalWorld boasts a bigger population than 127 actual countries, with a jaw-dropping 19 million players globetrotting in its digital dominion. That's right, 12 million copies sold on Steam and another 7 million adventurers via Xbox, outpacing the populations of Senegal, Somalia, the Netherlands, and Chad combined!

The moral of the story? If a bunch of enthusiastic amateurs can turn their pipe dreams into a gaming sensation, then maybe, just maybe, there's hope for us all. So here's to Pocket Pair, the underdogs who taught us that with enough determination, a sprinkle of insanity, and a whole lot of luck, even the wildest dreams can come true. Cheers!

All the best,

— James